# General API

The general APIs are used to get node, block & transaction information and also, to write transaction to Miyabi blockchain ledger.

URL Method Description
/blocks/id/{id} GET Return the block information for a given block id.
/blocks/height/{blockHeight} GET Return the block information at a given block height.
/blockevents/id/{id} GET Return the block events for a given block id.
/blockevents/height/{height} GET Return the events for the block at a given block height.
QueryParams startHeight, depth
GET Return the block header and consensus evidence information for a given set of blocks, which are arranged in decreasing order according to their block height.
QueryParams height
GET Return the information of the maximum permitted transaction size and maximum transaction entries allowed per transaction at a given block height.
QueryParams height
GET Return the information of the blockchain related parameters at a particular height or latest height.
QueryParams startHeight, depth
GET Return the information from a given set of blocks, which are arranged in decreasing order according to its block height.
QueryParams height
GET Return a list of the consensus members credentials at the current height (default) or given height.
/consensus/peers GET Return a list of the consensus peers that are connected to this node. The credentials of the current node will not be included in the list.
/headers/id/{id} GET Return the block header and consensus evidence for a given block Id.
/headers/height/{blockHeight} GET Return the block header and consensus evidence at a given block height.
/height GET Return the blockchain's current height stored by the node.
QueryParams startHeight
GET Return a list containing the transaction Ids that have modified a given key in a table. The table should have Tracked enabled.
QueryParams startHeight
GET Return a list containing the transaction details of the transactions that have modified a given key in a table. The table should have Tracked enabled.
/mempool/count GET Return the number of pending transactions currently stored in the memory pool of the node.
/getinfo GET Return general information on the current node.
/iscore GET Return true or false depending on whether the node is a core one.
/peers GET Return the list of public keys of the peers the node is currently connected to.
/peercount GET Return the number of peers the node is currently connected to.
/performance GET Return the performance statistics on the node.
/stateproof/{tableName}/{entryKey} GET Return a proof for the given entry key and table. The proof of existence is a bundle of hashes to prove the value hash of the specified item belongs to the Merkle tree of the root hash.
QueryParams searchString, limit
GET Return a list of table descriptors of all the existing tables. Each table descriptor can have its own set of fields as per the type of descriptor.
/tx/{id} GET Return the transaction information for a given transaction Id.
/txlist/{height} GET Return a set of transactions contained in the block at the specific height.
/tx/result/{id} GET Return the result of a previously submitted transaction for a given transaction Id.
/txresults POST Return the result of previously submitted transactions for a given transaction Id list.
/txs POST Return the transaction information for a given list of transaction Ids.
/sendtx POST Submit a transaction to Miyabi. It must contain the transaction information in the request body. The value returned is the integral validation check of the transaction, not the actual result of it.
/sendtxs POST Submit multiple transactions to Miyabi. The value returned is the integral validation check of the transactions, not the actual result of them.