# Introduction

# Purpose

Miyabi contains certain public and internal APIs. The public APIs are mostly used by clients (either via the ClientSDK or the CLI) to send and receive information from Miyabi. The purpose of this API documentation is to provide details of the requests and responses of each API offered by Miyabi.

# Definitions of Input Parameters

Parameter DataType Description Limit Comment
atHeight signed int32 The current height of the blockchain N/A It represents the total number of blocks in the blockchain
tableName string Name of a table N/A
key ByteString ByteString used as the key for table entries N/A
height signed int32 Number that shows a block's position in the chain min=0, max=max(int32)
blockHeight signed int32 The height that consensus is currently running at min=0, max=max(int32)
startHeight signed int32 The starting height used when designating a range of blocks min=0, max=max(int32) If it is greater than the current height, an object not found error will be returned. It will be calculated by depth from the current height if it is not defined.
depth signed int32 The maximum number of blocks to be retrieved min=0, max=max(int32) The default value is 10
id (Block Id) ByteString Each block has a unique hexadecimal Id called block Id N/A
id (Transaction Id) ByteString Each transaction in the blockchain has a unique hexadecimal Id called transaction Id N/A Can be calculated through the CLI command gettransactionid using the transaction data in hex or JSON format
transactionRequest TransactionRequest Entity containing details about the transaction (transaction Id, transaction entries, etc.) N/A

# Swagger

The APIs use Swagger for API documentation with OAS, details of the API can be found at https://{host}/swagger/index.html (e.g. Playground (opens new window)).