# Installation

miyabi-cli does not need to be explicitly installed. This CLI tool is packaged with all the required binaries in a compressed file. The user can immediately start using miyabi-cli by simply downloading and decompressing the appropriate compressed file for their OS.

# Acquire Miyabi Network Information

Some CLI commands need access to the running Miyabi nodes. Thus, the CLI tool needs at least one IP Address/Port as one of the inputs. As long as the user is able to provide the host IP information of any active Miyabi node or the configuration file which has the host information, the CLI tool will be able to access the running Miyabi node.

# Execution of CLI

Execute miyabi-cli(.exe) in a command prompt or bash. Command and option are separated by half-width space. If a config file is not provided or it is not present in the current directory of the miyabi-cli execution file, it may take a few seconds to run a command for the first time using the CLI tool.

# Before using CLI for Mac

You may need to call sudo spctl --master-disable before running the CLI.