# Core Tx Subcommands

Transaction Subcommand can only be used with a transaction creation command as the main command. These subcommands will create an entry and wrap it as a transaction passed to the main command for sending or displaying. The following examples will omit the transaction creation command sendtransaction. This section introduces subcommands that are available without any modules. Other commands will be introduced in module commands.

# Delete Table

# Usage

Usage: miyabi-cli sendtransaction deletetable [Options] [-- InnerCommand [InnerCommand Options] <arg(s)>]

--help                 Show help information
-p|--privatekey <key>  Private key of table admin with delete permission
-t|--table <name>      Table name

# Functionality

Create a transaction for delete a table. -p and -t are required and -p must be table admin.

# Example

$ ./miyabi-cli.exe sendtransaction deletetable -p 10425b7e6ebf5e0d5918717f77ce8a66aaf92bc64b65996f885ff12bd94ef529 -t test_asset

# Change Consensus Credentials

# Usage

Usage: miyabi-cli createtransaction changeconsensuscredentials [Options] [-- InnerCommand [InnerCommand Options] <arg(s)>]

--help                           Show help information
-p|--privatekey <key>            Private key of consensus admin
-h|--activation-height <height>  Activation height
-m|--member <member>             Member credentials
-q|--quorum <credential>         (Optional) Quorum Credentials

# Functionality

Create a transaction to change the consensus credentials of current Miyabi. The new consensus nodes will (replace old nodes to) make consensus since activation height. -p,-h,-m are required and -p must specify enough consensus admins defined in blockchain.config and -m will specify the public key of new consensus node(s). -q is used to specify the aggregated public key if BLS multi-sig is used in consensus layer.

# Example

$ ./miyabi-cli.exe sendtransaction changeconsensuscredentials -p 8b1e72d59e152909ade35860e9306f59902da7c40e2dfa027b6058dd8cbe44c0 -p 198665fc4bbee9e1cbd0fea04bcb1acf0da658f75d03f795c96d3c1dddfd0468 -p 461284df1a64e8a3abd498a2129f22641d1fd22666a2f083e3d2713e945904ea -p 473dcc73612ea1070f2875d448f7653db37a67610d73f513a6ab5ddff183e269 -m 026beca06739461a20249fd4b24cf27542013624d18710bc418e8de10d6ef68568 -m 02fce59e2dd0015bbb34da445f6c3a4ac2254a1b90ffa9c66fbd8621bf0c1a6deb -h 3

# Add Permissioned Table Acl

# Usage

Usage: miyabi-cli sendtransaction addpermissionedtableacl [Options]

--help                 Show help information
-o|--operation <name>  The ACL permission to be added. Allowed values - read, insert, update
--admin <address>      List of addresses to be added with the permission
-p|--privatekey <key>  Private key (should include table owner permission)
-t|--table <name>      Table name

# Functionality

Adds the necessary permission to the table for the given set of addresses. Allowed permissions include read, insert, update.o,t,admin,p are required

# Example

$ ./miyabi-cli.exe sendtransaction addpermissionedtableacl -o read --admin 0225c6b6c4225139c34746a3d12c798d9edab2ceb0149e2abe79812a04b9f20a91 -p 10425b7e6ebf5e0d5918717f77ce8a66aaf92bc64b65996f885ff12bd94ef529 -t test_asset 

# Change Blockchain Parameters

# Usage

Usage: miyabi-cli sendtransaction changeblockchainparameters [Options]

--help                                            Show help information
-p|--privatekey <key>                             Private key of World admin
-h <height>|--activation-height <height>          Height at which the blockchainparameter change is made
-mtbs <size>|--maxtxbytesize <size>               Maximum Byte size of a Transaction
-mept <maxlimit>|--maxtxentries <maxlimit>        Maximum number of entries per Transaction

# Functionality

Update the blockchain parameters of mtbs and/or mept at a given height h.h,p are required

# Example

$ ./miyabi-cli.exe sendtransaction changeblockchainparameters -p 10425b7e6ebf5e0d5918717f77ce8a66aaf92bc64b65996f885ff12bd94ef529 -h 21 -mtbs 4000 -mept 2000

# Remove Permissioned Table Acl

# Usage

Usage: miyabi-cli sendtransaction removepermissionedtableacl [Options]

--help                 Show help information
-o|--operation <name>  The ACL permission to be removed. Allowed values - read, insert, update
--admin <address>      List of addresses to be removed with the permission
-p|--privatekey <key>  Private key (should include table owner permission)
-t|--table <name>      Table name

# Functionality

Revokes the necessary permission to the table for the given set of addresses. Allowed permissions include read, insert, update.o,t,admin,p are required

# Example

$ ./miyabi-cli.exe sendtransaction removepermissionedtableacl -o read --admin 0225c6b6c4225139c34746a3d12c798d9edab2ceb0149e2abe79812a04b9f20a91 -p 10425b7e6ebf5e0d5918717f77ce8a66aaf92bc64b65996f885ff12bd94ef529 -t test_asset 

# Update World Permission

# Usage

Usage: miyabi-cli sendtransaction updateworldpermission [Options]

--help                 Show help information
--grant <name>         Specify the world permissions to be granted, allowed values - Root, CreateTable, ChangeConfig, GrantCreateTable
--revoke <name>        Specify the world permissions to be revoked, allowed values - Root, CreateTable, ChangeConfig, GrantCreateTable
--address <address>    List of addresses to be removed with the permission
-p|--privatekey <key>  Private key (should include table owner permission)

# Functionality

Update the world permissions such as Root, CreateTable, ChangeConfig, GrantCreateTable of the passed addresses.p,address are required

# Example

$ ./miyabi-cli.exe sendtransaction updateworldpermission -p 10425b7e6ebf5e0d5918717f77ce8a66aaf92bc64b65996f885ff12bd94ef529 -- grant changeconfig --address 0286887e5a0d26844f403d0fdae6435e465ba7a8311429ac5443e65b74a1174352