# Module Commands

# Asset Module Commands

Command Description
createassettable Create a new asset table
createpermissionedassettable Create a new permissioned asset table
generateasset Generate an asset to a given table
getasset Get an asset table entry
getassettable List all entries in a given asset table
moveasset Move assets from one address to another

# Binary Module Commands

Command Description
addbinaryowner Add binary owner for a specific binary data row
createbinarytable Create a new binary table
createpermissionedbinarytable Create a new permissioned binary table
deletebinaryvalue Delete an entry in a binary table
getbinarytable List all entries in a given binary table
getbinaryvalue Get a binary table entry in a given table
removebinaryowner Remove binary owner for a specific binary data row
setbinaryvalue Insert (if it does not exists), or update a binary table entry in a given table

# Entity Module Commands

Command Description
addentity Add an entity to an entity table
addentityowner Add an entity owner for a specific entity
addentityparent Add parent to an entity
createentitytable Create an entity table
deleteentity Delete an entity in a table
deleteentityparent Delete parent from an entity
getentity Get an entity table entry
getentitytable List all entries in a given entity table
getentitytree Retrieve a given entity and its children in a recursive manner
optimisticupdateentity Compares an entity with its current value and if it matches, updates it with the new value
removeentityowner Remove entity owner for a specific entity
updateentity Update an entity in a table

# NFT Module Commands

Command Description
createnfttable Create a new NFT table
generatenft Generate a token for an address in an NFT table
getnftbalanceof Get the NFT balance of an address
getnftowner Get the owner of an NFT
getnfttable List all entries in a given NFT table
movenft Move a token from one address to another

# Private Data Module Commands

Command Description
addprivatedata Add data to a private data table
createprivatedatatable Create private data table
deleteprivatedata Delete data from a private data table
deleteprivatedatatable Delete a private data table
getprivatedata Get a single data entry from a given private data table
getprivatedatatable Get all data entries from a given private data table
signprivatetransaction Sign private transaction with PDO(s) secret key(s)
updateprivatedata Update data in a private data table

# Smart Contract Commands

Command Description
compilecontract Compile a contract
deletecontractinstance Delete an instance of a deployed contract. Requires Instance Owners' signature(s)
deploycontract Deploy contract to Miyabi
getassemblies List all deployed assemblies
getassemblyid Get the assembly id of a contract
getcontractaddress Get the address of a specific contract instance
getcontractanalyzerparameters List all parameters for the smart contract analyzer
getinstances List all contract instances
initializecontract Initialize the contract module in Miyabi
instantiatecontract Create an instance of a deployed contract
invokecontract Invoke a method of a contract instance
querycontract Query an active contract instance of a deployed contract by invoking a read-only method
updatecontractanalyzer Update the contract analyzer
updatecontractpermission Grant or revoke contract permission(s) for address(es)